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Grupo en Telegram

Brian May y el copyright en Instagram

El mítico guitarrista de Queen, el doctor astrofísico con título PhD el Imperial College de Gran Bretaña, el rector honorífico de la universidad John Moores; inventor de sonidos, virtuoso como nadie con su instrumento musical, inventor de su propia guitarra con sonido único e irrepetible; y seguramente ganador de millones de libras esterlinas por derechos de autor como compositor y como guitarrista de éxitos e himnos de la historia de la música con su banda Queen. Él, fue reportado ante Instagram por violación de copyright (derechos de autor) de una fotografía ¡de él mismo! pero tomada por una fotógrafa que asistió a uno de sus conciertos. Mira la foto de May en instagram:

Well this is what I woke up to. How RUDE ! I'm usually very careful to credit anyone whose photos I post - but in this case, at the end of the day, I must have forgotten. So, rather than write to me and say "dear Brian- you seem to have forgotten to credit me on this picture", this person - Barbara Kremer is her name - reported me to Instagram and they not only took the picture down but disabled my whole account until I'd dealt with the issue - which took about 45 minutes of my time that I could not afford because the link refused to work on my phone. What an incredibly unfriendly act from you, Barbara ! You not only took my picture and are evidently exploiting my image, and making money off me without so much as a 'by your leave' - but you actually stop me using a picture of myself ! What a crazy world we live in these days. All I can say is that if you feel you were 'violated', I feel pretty violated myself. To the point where If I ever discover that you are at one of our concerts in future, look out, because, logically, I will be tempted to have you thrown out. Well, Good Morning !!! Bri
Una publicación compartida de Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) el

Esta publicación aparece primero en ElSiglo21esHoy.com

November 13, 2017 at 11:35AM

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