
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como "Tissue Chips"

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Muscles On Chips In Space por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Muscles On Chips In Space On Episode 176, Dr. Siobhan Malany, president of Micro-gRx and associate professor at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, brings her expertise to discuss tissue chips containing human muscle cells that recently made their way to the International Space Station for investigation.

Organs on Chips in Space por NASA

Por NASA #Recomendado Tweet Organs on Chips in Space Dr. Lucie Low, Scientific Program Manager at the National Institutes of Health, talks about tiny devices the size of the thumb drive that replicate the structure and function of human organs. Low discusses the importance of testing these devices in space. https://ift.tt/2z1LZdn via IFTTT



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