
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como radiation

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Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 90, Effects of Space Radiation por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Episode 90, Effects of Space Radiation NASA Space Radiation Element Scientist Robin Elgart discusses research aimed at reducing radiation health risks.

Space Radiation por NASA

Por NASA Podcast #Recomendado Tweet Space Radiation On Episode 128 Jason Weeks and Steve Platts discuss the ways NASA is collecting radiation data to better understand the risks and possible mitigation strategies for humans traveling through deep space. This is the last in a six part series on NASA’s Human Research Program.

Radiation Shielding por NASA

Por NASA #Recomendado Tweet Radiation Shielding Matt Lemke, Orion avionics, power and software deputy manager, discusses how Orion is radiation-hardened so the systems inside can withstand the harsh environment of space. https://ift.tt/2S6sVCA via IFTTT

Space Weather [Recomendado]

Space Weather por NASA #Recomendado Dr. Steve Johnson, Senior Scientist of the Space Radiation Analysis Group, discusses what's being done right now to document radiation exposure, not only to ensure our astronauts stay healthy, but to understand weather in space.



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